(Page updated by Benjamin on March 10, 2024)
Comments allow visitors to give their opinions, ask questions, expose difficulties, and share experiences. They add a lot of interest to the site, so it is advisable to read them in addition to the pages. Since the site is bilingual French-English, it is advisable to read the comments on the pages in both languages. They are not the same. Thanks to the translation options of Internet browsers, the language barrier is no longer an obstacle.
For the moment, it is not necessary to register on the site with a username and password to leave a comment.
Websites are easy prey for spammers, hackers, and other online scammers. Fortunately, site hosts and modern content management systems (WordPress for the AvionicsDuino site) take care of this. The vast majority, if not almost all, of spam comments are eliminated without even being presented to the moderator for approval.
On the AvionicsDuino site, all comments first pass through the WordPress filter. To pass this first filter, it is advisable, first of all, not to put too many links in your comments. Indeed, a common point of spam comments is often that they contain a lot of them. Totally off-topic comments are also very suspicious and often rejected.

Moderator Approval
Comments that successfully pass this first filter are then systematically submitted for approval by the moderator. The latter tries to be responsive, but sometimes, he may be temporarily unavailable. However, it is rare that a comment approval takes more than 48 hours. Visitors are notified by email as soon as their comments are approved and online.
It is exceptional that the moderator rejects a comment, but this could happen if the comment is poorly written, messy, misleading, defamatory, off-topic, or contains aggressive or slang words or too colloquial language.
All pages of this site are now open to comments, which previously was not always the case. Visitors can attach files to their comments. For the moment, only images in JPG or PNG format are accepted, as well as documents in PDF or TXT format and ZIP archives. Images and other attached files are powerful tools for stimulating visitor engagement, so do not hesitate to use this means of communication to support your comments, generate discussions, or share your results. Please limit the size of attachments wherever possible because the space available on our server is not infinitely expandable (maximum file size: 5 Mb).
For the moment, the AvionicsDuino site does not offer a forum. Therefore, visitors cannot communicate directly with each other through a private message system, which is what forums usually offer. The moderator is the only one who has knowledge of visitors’ email addresses.
The AvionicsDuino site does not have an email address such as, for example, contact@avionicsduino.com for two main reasons: to generate as many public comments as possible, which are very useful to all visitors to the site, and to avoid overload or dispersion of activities to the moderator who would have to respond to numerous individual requests. In very specific and exceptional cases, however, the moderator has the possibility of entering into direct contact with a visitor.